Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. Course Overview

    3. Navigation

    4. An introduction to HPass

    1. Learning Templates and Resources

    2. Module Slides

    3. Supplementary Readings

    1. Community platforms

    1. Webinar 1

    2. Webinar 2

    3. Webinar 3

    4. Webinar 4

    5. Webinar 5

    6. Webinar 6

    1. Module 1 Resources

    2. Introduction and objectives

    3. Theory of Change (ToC)

    4. Adding Value with Theory of Change

    5. When is a Theory of Change useful?

    6. Key points

    7. Upload your Learning Journal (toc3-lj2)

    8. Exercise 1 (toc3 - ex2)

    1. Resources

    2. Introduction and objectives

    3. Different ways of thinking about ToC

    4. Theory of Change as a Product

    5. Theory of Change as an Approach

    6. Theory of Change as a Process

    7. Key Components of a ToC Diagram

    8. Key points

    9. Upload your Learning Journal (toc3-lj3)

    10. Exercise 2 (toc3 - ex2)

About this course

  • Free
  • 88 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content