Sustainable Finance (SF3)
The Sustainable Finance course is a 6-module online programme designed for managers and other staff who need to use financial skills in their work, but are not trained accountants.
Welcome to the course!
Course Overview
Module 1 - Budgeting - Participant's Handbook
Module 1 - Budgeting - Glossary
Module 2 - Financial Sustainability and Resilience module - Participant's Handbook
Module 2 - Financial Sustainability and Resilience - Glossary
Module 3 - Implementation of Financial Controls - Participant's Handbook
Module 3 - Implementation of Financial Controls - Glossary
Module 4 - Sustainable Accounting Records and Statements - Participant's Handbook
Module 4 - Sustainable Accounting Records and Statements - Glossary
Module 5 - Communicating finance effectively - Participant's Handbook
Module 5 - Communicating Finance Effectively - Glossary
Module 6 - Partner Financial Capacity Building - Participant's Handbook
Module 6 - Partner Financial Capacity Building - Glossary
More resources
Community platforms
Webinar 1
Webinar 2
Webinar 3
Webinar 4
Webinar 5
Webinar 6
Introduction to Budgeting
Exercise 1 - What is a budget?
Upload - Exercise 1 (SF3M1-Ex1)
Budgeting basics
Why do we need to budget?
Exercise 2a - Preparing a budget
Upload - Exercise 2a (SF3M1-Ex2a)
Exercise 2b - Use a checklist to review budget from an organisation
Exercise 2c - Review an organisation's budget using a checklist
Budget monitoring
What do I need to know about budget monitoring?
Exercise 3 - Budget and actual statement
Upload - Exercise 3 (SF3M1-Ex3)
Exercise 4 - Use checklist to review budget and actual from an organisation
Upload - Exercise 4 (SF3M1-Ex4)
Exercise 5 - Donor regulations
Introduction to cash flows and cash flow forecasts
Cash flow forecasts example
Exercise 6 - Preparing a cash flow forecast
Upload - Exercise 6 (SF3M1-Ex6)
Budgeting in uncertain times
Exercise 7 - Reflection
Upload - Exercise 7 (SF3M1-Ex7)
Introduction to Financial Sustainability and Resilience
What is the difference between sustainability and resilience?
Basics of financial management sustainability and resilience
Exercise 1
Restrictions and types of funds
Risk Management
Exercise 2
Risk management (continued)
Strategic financial management
Financial strategy and money
Organisational savings ('reserves')
What are reserves?
Exercise 3
Reserves policy
Exercise 4
Core costs
Core costs - financial non-programme expenditure
Exercise 5
Decisions based on 'Real costs'
Exercise 6
Building a financially resilient organisation
Building a financially resilient organisation (continued)
Exercise 7 (SF3m2-Ex7)